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Adaptive layout for your website

The need for adaptive layout appeared a long time ago. Since the first mobile browser with full support for marking and coding languages, It has already passed more 10 years old. However, many of the sites and to this day do not own a mobile version, with the result that the content is displayed correctly in the tablet and smartphone screens with low resolution. As a result - potential customers can not place the order and did not even want to deal with poorly presented information.

If you do not want to lose mobile traffic, contact the agency "Insight"! With us, your website will be adapted for viewing on any device.

Why is it so important adaptive layout for your site

deciding order adaptive design, you make a confident step towards the successful development of your site. Adaptive layout, Firstly, It aimed at rapidly developing market of mobile technologies, and these technologies are not limited to the features of the new iphone screen 7: Many manufacturers have already started to implement in browsers smartwatch, fitness bracelets and many other gadgets, which require adaptation to the World Wide Web.

If you look the same "Yandex Metrics", you can clearly see, what percentage of users are using to connect to the net and visit different kind of sites your smartphone. Owners of smartphones in the near future - it's not just the visitors in the overall statistics - a target audience, which will operate the entire market of e-commerce in general,.


Adaptive layout


Besides, order adaptive layout necessary for the following reasons:

  1. Adaptive layout saves the user's traffic, allowing him to access a particular page more quickly, than a comparable competitor's site, which the, Having a modern animation and sea useful information, will "hang" on 5 minutes, while the content will not load fast enough through the communication channel. The result - your site and products will be offered in priority.
  2. Modern search algorithms assign a bad position in their renditions those resources, which are not adapted for viewing on mobile devices.

In this way, quality optimization for mobile devices not only reduce the number of failures of the load or to be more precise "reload" the page, but it will also raise your resource to the heights of search results. Find out the cost of project development in St. Petersburg.


Adaptive layout


Adaptive layout: price (SPB)

Order layout and design, adapted for mobile devices, you can right now. On responsive design site price It will depend on the complexity of the layout and the number of sections of the site. To better learn about the cost and timing, call or leave a request on the website. Contact - our experts quickly and efficiently complete the task!

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