goals, which has set itself any company, It has ambitious plans to conquer its niche in the market, – increase brand awareness, public confidence in the conquest, satisfaction of the needs of the target audience, high evaluation of your product or service.
An essential condition to achieve these goals is the existence of brand book - well-formulated set of rules, which will build the company, building a relationship with their partners, customers, advertising agencies. Besides, competent brand identity and brand-book presence enable competently to build an advertising campaign, optimize advertising and its costs.
What is a brand book?
This term refers to a collective concept paper, including a visual style standards of the organization, consisting of a whole set of components. In fact, brendbuk, is the basis, based on which the company builds strategic plans for its own development, defines their market positioning and style of communication with customers.
Who and why there is a brand book?
Information, collected brandbook, first of all, requires the company's management, its marketers and PR. "Reconciliation" with him, It makes it possible to stick to brand integrity, maintain a single designer and ideological concept, as well as to achieve effective results in the promotion and popularization of trademark.
In the absence of their brand book, The following situation is inevitable: designers, marketers and other professionals, raised for certain tasks, will implement them according to their own vision. The diversity, in se, there are many advantages, but not in this case,. lack of unity, the use of different design approaches, – a serious obstacle to building a strong brand, and broadcast of, the company claims to leadership in a particular segment.
Guidance on the use of corporate identity, Kojima is a brand book, It will be very useful for the newly adopted staff. The study "brand bible" will help them to quickly grasp the essence of the system used. Such an approach makes it possible to prevent the violation of the rules, and significantly reduce the time for detailed explanation.
What You Should Know, before establishing the company's brand book?
Developing brand book - a key stage in the development of each company, as it becomes the basis for making future marketing decisions. While working on the brand book is very important to adhere to the "golden mean", as too strict rules will be a serious restriction of creative ideas of employees. In the same time, very important, that all recommendations were spelled out as clearly as possible and may not be interpreted in two ways.
A fairly common misconception is that, that the development of brand book - a task of the CEO. If the state of the company is present on branding department, the development of corporate identity fully lie on the shoulders of its staff. If there is no such, it being teamwork leaders, designers, copywriters and other professionals.
What's in a brand book? The components of brand book
Mandatory elements of the full guidance on the corporate style of the company act:
A clear definition of the target audience, its characteristics, distinctive features.
- The brand concept.
- Corporate identity.
- The concept of brand promotion (visual presentation of advertising messages, scenes clips, etc.);
- The corporate style of the company, Communication inside.
Brand book for the manufacturer of dry building mixtures masters
Design brand book
Competent development of brand book design requires "hands" professional. but before, than to entrust him to work on the project, it is important to make sure, that the vision of the involvement of experts is the same, and in common with your.
Very important, ready to brand book was not only visually appealing, but also easy to grasp. After that, as an example of the blister is ready brandbook, you need to show it to the staff and get to know their opinion. After all, the goal of creating brand book - reflect the brand, rather than personal preferences organization leaders.
How to use the brand book?
so, behind the laborious and creative process of the development of brand-book. it, certainly, very important, but only one half of the work. After all, the rules of corporate identity will bring the desired effect only if, if they will actively use and guide the work of specialists from all departments of the organization. Task manager - to ensure proper compliance with these rules.
First of all, you must inform all our employees about the existence of a brand book. It can be done by sending a cover letter requesting a thorough study of standards and regulations, contained therein.
After some time, eg, a month should hold a meeting, to monitor compliance with regulations, collected brandbook, and hear the views of staff about, what difficulties while using the corporate identity they had to face.
It is important to understand, that brands - as living organisms, they are constantly changing and evolving. therefore, should make it a rule, at least once in six months or a year to review and, in case of need, make updates to the brand book. To its vector always coincides with the fundamental goals and values of the company.
What are the challenges faced by the company due to lack of brand book?
One of the problems of a large company lacking a brand book is certain difficulties in the process of cooperation with designers.. for example, in the development of printed products or external advertising media (screenings, billboards, štenderov etc.) the product will be created, not focused on your target audience.
Another fairly common problem stands improper use of the logo, non-compliance of its parameters and the location at different advertising mediums.
It is not excluded from being changed accidentally used in the corporate style of colors and shades, because of what created by advertising will be much similar to their competitors.
This is not a complete list of troubles, faced by the company, do not have their brand book. So the question: create it or not, I should not be in principle, the most important thing - a clear understanding of, what should happen as a result of.
What determines the cost of the development of brand-book?
The price of creating a corporate identity management affects a number of important factors:
- marketing objectives, that pursues the development of brand-book;
- number concepts, Who wishes to receive the customer in the final;
- amount of elements, included in the brand book, and the granularity of each of them;
- Presentation of the work performed format;
- individual requirements and wishes of the customer.
Identity provider for Etalon-Optic
About Us
Insight - full service advertising agency, which provides a wide range of services for the development and implementation of different levels of complexity campaigns. Colossal experience, Individual approach to each client, and creativity in solving tasks, in combination with a solid team of highly qualified specialists in different fields and the most modern production equipment, allow to fully meet not only the, but to exceed the expectations of even the most demanding customer.
Collaboration with Insight - the best investment in the development of its own company, it apart from your competition and 100% getting into the set goal.
Modern realities are far from those, that were relevant just a few decades ago. If then the presence of a, though frankly inferior logo, and crafted in haste slogan, It was enough, then today everything has changed. Any self-respecting company, tending to the development and the, to firmly occupy a niche in the market, a very serious approach to goal setting and strategy development. She is a responsible approach to corporate identity, develop and deliver to the public of his philosophy.
Brand book - it is much more, than the outer shell company, but also its content. If firms, planning long-term and successful business, yet it is not, the challenge is to create a brand book №1.
The cost of developing the layout design, concept, sketch in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Creating a project in St. Petersburg.
price: from 15 000p. time: from 5 days
Our work: logo and corporate identity | branding | fonts | brendbuk