In order to build any business, design, production and promotion of the product is the monetary profits. Depending on the corporate goals, set by the brand, formed marketing mission. All of them are divided into two main groups:
- obscherynochnye, that define a market share of a company seeking to master;
- real merchantability – value, measured in precise quantitative terms the goods / services and the frequency of their consumption.
The main instruments for implementation are the advertising and PR.
What is PR?
PR (definition): in a literal translation from English - PR. This term is meant communicative Activity, aimed at creating an effective and long-term relationship between the company and society in order to solve business problems. A key focus of PR also serves to establish and maintain links with useful target groups (investors, media), public opinion and competent response to it.
What is different from PR advertising
Unlike advertising, PR is not the purpose of promoting a particular product through a variety of marketing tools, and increase brand awareness, expert evaluation of the company, which informs the media about the interesting target groups of activities.
The second difference PR advertising: for advertising the product / service you have to pay, but for no PR. In the case of paid PR creation of high-quality and interesting content, which is distributed sources of media, thereby attracting potential buyers to the brand.
Under internal or intra system implies PR, which aims to build and support a positive image within the company. This object is achieved by establishing a confidential communication between employees, becoming a subordinate relationship with the leadership of, report to staff information about the mission and values of the company, increasing the motivation of the work.
The value of intra-literate PR is hard to overestimate, since without the active participation of employees in informing the external target groups in business correspondence, telephone conversations, at meetings, etc., PR specialist work will be little effective.
Who is the public relations manager and what are its functions
Jobs PR specialist is aimed at creating a positive image and flawless reputation, product or service. highly qualified professional should possess knowledge in different fields of science (sociology, psychology, journalism, marketing), and be prepared for the constant search for innovative solutions, and in case of necessity and to a momentary change in tactics.
PR -menedzher reports directly to the head of the company and independent of the marketing department.
Its main functions are the:
- definition of the vector PR activities;
- development and organization of PR campaigns;
- drawing means estimates, needed for the implementation of planned public relations program;
- the forecast of efficiency measures;
- formation and support a positive image of the company;
- assessment of brand reputation and awareness about this guide.
- creation of activity posts, politics, products, Company personnel and raise awareness among the public about this.
Who and why you need a PR?
Really, PR need not all companies, but only those, the purpose of which - long-term activities. What is important is not the scale of the organization, and its commitment to invest, resources and time in a painstaking process of normalization of relations with the public.
PR - the wrong tool, which brings immediate profit, Only in rare cases, it can give rapid effect. Its main mission - to build relationships of trust.
for example, if in a crisis, the company is forced to reduce the number of suppliers, it is natural to expect the, that it will retain relationships with those, to whom more confidence. And this requires long-term and stable communication.
Do I need a PR for small business?
If we talk about PR for the company, "Small businesses" belonging to the sector, here has its own characteristics. Main question: in what format should be built communications, how to minimize costs and intelligently allocate available Minorities information occasions?
If we talk about the costs, it is worth considering the need to attract PR specialist and payment for his services. The head of a small business can hardly versed in the specifics of PR manager and be able to track the effectiveness of its activities. therefore, in this situation, it makes sense to enlist the help of a specialized PR agency. It will develop a minimum set of activities, It will help in the formulation of the desired image of the company, identify relevant communication channels, reduce spending on advertising and SEO-promotion site.
How PR work affects the company?
First of all, to be understood, that the key to the successful promotion of the company and the growth of its sales, performs synchronous operation of PR professionals and employees. The first task - especially uplifting the image of their clients, promotion of the brand / product / service. Through his work creating favorable conditions for sales, PR strengthens the interest in the company's products, demand increases, making trend product or service. However, even with a perfect execution of their part of the work, if sales figuratively speaking, Does not answer the phone, It does not fulfill its function, the growth in sales will not happen, despite the PR professionals by favorable conditions for this.
PR Tools
The most effective PR tool, capable of leading to the guaranteed desired result advocate:
- Participation in a variety of thematic exhibitions, meetings, speech at the forum, etc.. practically 100% visitors of such events are the target audience. This tool makes it possible for the minimum time to acquire new customers and build the desired image of the company.
- Internet SMI – by far the most accessible source of information, very popular with most people, It is making er ideal platform for advertising. In order to attract the target audience should regularly publish interesting articles, news, materials, releases.
- Internet blogs, social networks, forums. The advantage of this tool - personal contact with clients, delicate and unobtrusive approach. If skillfully approach the management of their pages in social networks, it will be possible not only to attract new customers, but also to create an active community, independently attract the target audience.
- of clients, relating to the interests of target groups, more trust in information, placed in a paper press. therefore, to enhance the efficiency of its PR-campaign makes sense to use paper and specialized press, and order the accommodation in its several quality publications.
- Performance for their clients of PR-activities also gives good results. We are talking about different kinds of presentations, exhibitions, holidays for clients and their families.
Stages of PR campaigns
Key stages of work, aimed at creating effective communication with the public, are:
- identification of the target audience;
- its level of readiness of the definition of consumer;
- understanding of the expected response of CA;
- referring to the creation of the Central Asian;
- planning of marketing communications complex (MK) organizations;
- budgeting for planned activities;
- implementation MK;
- Analysis of feedback of CA;
- making adjustments.
Examples of excellent PR
Model is an effective strategy PR campaign, conducted in 2007 the brand Oral-B, Procter&Gamble. Its purpose was to inform the media about the appearance of innovative toothbrush Oral-B Vitality. The campaign forty journalists prestigious glossy magazines were sent: the original press release and sweet a present - a set of delicacies, detrimental to tooth enamel, and Toothbrush Oral-B Vitality. PR-message of the event was, to show: you can not give up your favorite goodies and still maintain a sparkling white smile. Creative move was appreciated by the journalists and the media have been published reports of a new product the company.
Another impressive example – PR campaign brand Adidas. PR brand experts concluded, that should hang empty white billboards, which will show off the modest size Adidas logo. Everyone will be able to draw on any of the boards, anything, thereby expressing their vision, thoughts, suggestions, fantasy. This action ended the, that billboards were placed translucent bright contours. The output will get a unique custom advertising and PR, fully display the nature of the trendy youth brand.
Full PR activity - the prerogative of companies, aimed at building long-term relationships with the public, and its efficiency directly affects the direct contact between the company and public relations specialist.
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