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The principle of operation and services of full service advertising agency

Absolutely any business is aimed at making a profit. To achieve this goal, not only need the product, but also sales. One of the many problems, successfully solved the marketing, It is to increase sales. That is why the choice of advertising agency, which will be entrusted with carrying out an advertising campaign and other related activities, directly depend on future earnings of the company-customer. The most reasonable from all points of view the solution – give preference to a full-service agency.

What is a full service advertising agency?

full-service agency is a company, provides a full range of advertising services: by creating the necessary promotional products, their direct production to placement in the media, campaign and PR. Such firms have a certain structure, which includes a number of divisions, closely interacting with each other in the implementation of all phases of the order.

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Other types of agencies

In addition to advertising agencies, full-service, there are other, whose specialty is narrower.

The main concern:

  • design studio. They are focused on the development of logos, corporate identity, design layouts of different types of printed products (business cards, brochures, booklets, forms), outdoor advertising and other.
  • Advertising and production company. A key area of ​​activity - production, which can be "to touch", ie signage, štenderov, billboards, etc..
  • Mediabaytovye agency. Firms engaged in this type of purchase advertising space and time.
  • creative studio. The staff of such organizations is composed of employees of creative professions, whose mission - to develop and implement a communicative market product advertising and creative PR component.
  • Event agencies. Their field of activity - the organization and holding of different events, envisaged under the campaign.

A comparison of complete and incomplete cycle agencies

Contacting the full-service agency more interesting and profitable for the customer in many ways,. Apart from the obvious savings in time and financial investments, since there is no need to involve outside experts, A complex approach, offers a full-service agency, – and more effective embodiment. Such a decision requires, that the whole advertising campaign, from A to Z", It will be entrusted to a single organization, and therefore the entire responsibility for the quality of the end result will also take it personally.

The structure of the full cycle advertising agency

advertising agency full cycle function and tasks, facing them, directly determine the structure. Usually, they have very different objectives and specific performance, because of which include a number of departments, each of which is responsible for certain operations.

  • research Division

Start any communication campaign - research. Depending on the tasks, their property can be: consumers, competitors, promote products and services, or the market as a whole. In order to maximize the effectiveness studies determined species, methods and ways of their implementation. The results obtained are the basis for the subsequent construction of the strategically important decisions. For this reason, organization of research requires exceptionally responsible approach.

  • Strategic Planning Division

To employees of the department raises a number of important tasks:

  • setting your advertising goals, and a clear statement of objectives, that must be successfully solved;
  • development of a strategic plan, with the subsequent control of its implementation and evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign.

sign design and logo for Etalon-Optic provider

  • Creative department

The head of the Department of Creative Director. Under his command operate various specialists (kopirayterы, designers, etc.), who are responsible for development of the concept in general, creation of advertising and PR texts, visual design of a number of messages.

  • production departments

It is not every agency can boast of its own production capacities. Most small advertising campaigns to the production of products attracts freelance professionals and subcontractors, which can act, including, and advertising services of the media, where the planned advertising.

  • media planning department

As the name implies, the activities of this department is focused on providing the most effective platforms for advertising and its release schedule, and at the same time, – on the optimization of the costs involved.

media planners work is based on research findings, granted by the relevant department.

  • Customer Service Department

Employees of the department for work with clients is carried out in constant contact with the customer throughout the entire order fulfillment process. They also coordinate the work of all the other units for the most effective implementation of the communication client assignments.

Enumeration of the services of a full cycle advertising agency

range of services, provided such agencies is very extensive, as to achieve the purpose of the customer is necessary to use a variety of methods and technologies, directly related to advertising.

If we generalize, the main directions in the activity of the full cycle agencies act:

  • develop a common vision and strategy for the implementation of a future campaign;
  • researching, analysis and monitoring of the current situation on the market, assessment of the competitive environment;
  • promotional products production;
  • budgeting, cost planning, profit prediction, to determine the effectiveness of the measures.

criteria, defining a full cycle agency

Due to the high demand for advertising services, many agencies, We are trying to attract new customers and increase their own revenues, They claim to provide a full range of services.

Do not make a mistake in choosing the right agency for further cooperation, It helps clear understanding, what the full service advertising agency, and what criteria can be distinguished from specialized agencies.

  1. Package of services

The term “a full cycle of advertising services” to be understood: carry out all necessary studies, forecast, planning, manufacturing process, successful product promotion, design, organization and successful implementation of an advertising campaign.

  1. Sample complex works

Declare the possibility of providing a full range of advertising services - one, and their ability to competently implement - a completely different. Even in the case, if the agency is willing to provide examples of their work, but, wherein, among them such projects, within which to apply all of the key services, you can not call it a full-service agency.

  1. The presence in the structure of the creative and strategic departments

In view of the specific characteristics of advertising, This point is very important. functions, who perform creative and strategic departments, are key, and serve as an intelligent component, characterizing agency. For this reason, even if there is a design studio, its own production facilities and other, in the absence of its own staff of specialists in creative and strategic work, this translates into the category of highly specialized agency, where there are so many.

In addition to the above three major criteria, there are three, non-binding, but desirable:

  1. Membership in professional organizations and associations and organizations.
  2. Participation, nominations and awards in various competitions.
  3. The presence in the list of the largest listed agencies.

How does full service advertising agency? cooperation Benefits

Turning to an agency, the customer simply an idea or a great desire to create great ads. The result is a co-planned to the smallest detail, carefully thought-out and implemented advertising campaign. This kind of interaction extremely convenient for the customer, as the agency takes over the implementation of all necessary work, from preliminary studies to the full implementation of.

How to choose a full service advertising agency?

When selecting an advertising agency, which it is planned to delegate such an important task, as, advertising campaign with all the associated steps, It should take into account a number of important factors. among other things,, it's his approach to business, established reputation, financial security, etc.. One of the most common solutions today - a choice in favor of cooperation with the full-service agency, providing a full range of services. Such organizations take control of all aspects of the advertising program. Such a solution is advantageous, both in terms of time savings and investments, and in the case, if you are planning a large-scale advertising campaign, having great importance in order to achieve market goals.

a full cycle of the Agency - the ideal solution for those, firms, who, along with advertising and other important tools, as a direct marketing, media publications, sales incentives, etc..

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About Us

Advertising agency "Insight" full cycle – company, you can trust the most expensive, namely, creation and support of your company's image. Solid experience in providing a wide range of services in conjunction with a team of highly qualified specialists in different fields, allow the company to achieve 100% falling into the goal set by the customer, and even surpass his wildest expectations!

A complex approach, selection of individual solutions and high quality services, make cooperation with "Insight" agency truly effective, and the result - a profitable and stands out from the competition!


Proper creation of effective advertising - a creative process, requires creative thinking, flight of fancy, and at the same time, logic and analytical skills. However, the organization of large-scale campaigns, event management and promotions require further.

The best solution in this situation - an appeal to the full-service agency, ready to provide a full range of services, aimed at increasing the popularity of the brand, its product / service, increase awareness, improving the image and improving the reputation of the public.

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