+7 964 362-30-50

Development of advertising product presentation

High-quality and informative presentation - it is an important element of the concept of advertising of goods (services), without which the buyer simply can not evaluate all its merits and decide to buy.

Perfect product design presentation contains the correct structure, attractive design, emotional urge and perfectly honed wording. If we take the example of, great world, a particularly picky attitude to their presentations, Steve Jobs - Co-founder of Apple, he thought, that everything must be perfect: each face, shade and word. Find out the cost of project development in St. Petersburg.

Presentation air purification systems AirNOVA

Presentation air purification systems AirNOVA

Presentation of the hotel and recreational complex Staraya Ryazan

Development of the presentation of "Old Ryazan"

Not all successful presentations, properly developed design or coarse language may not attract, and alienate more potential buyers, so, if you're not confident in your skill, then the best solution would be to order the development of advertising presentation in advertising agency "Insight". Design of the advertising product presentation is being experienced by the designer on conducting marketing research,, buyer psychology, and examples of the best works in the industry and in all categories of the whole.

We are confident in their abilities, because:

  • more 5 years on the market;
  • hundreds of examples of successful projects in the design and marketing;
  • European-style design;
  • reasonable prices for all kinds of services and good discounts to certain groups of goods or the best to our customers;
  • work is being done on a contractual basis;
  • All projects shall be just in time.

Design presentations in Powerpoint

Powerpoint is the most relevant and popular graphic editor world, usually, namely PPT and PPTX format is the most simple and affordable for the common man. Therefore Powerpoint presentation design - an ideal choice for an ordinary customer, located behind the monitor. This presentation will allow to communicate with potential customers in a familiar environment for him, and a lot of hidden features and original Powerpoint presenting information will be key to customer loyalty and his favor to the brand and to the company's products.

Design of the presentation in PDF

PDF format convenient TEN, that document or grocery presentation can be easily printed or sent by e-mail in a secure copy format. To view the presentation does not require special software, Reader is integrated with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, and additional extensions can be easily found online and download.

How we are working?

Creation of design of advertising presentation goods carried on the following simple scheme:

  • you left the application, contact us;
  • Our specialists conduct interviews and pre-formed product requirements;
  • customer accents for designer;
  • Our experts collect all the necessary material for presentation, and requesting the required data and the customer;
  • representatives of the parties sign an agreement on the provision of services, then the customer paid in advance (no more 50 % of the total amount of the order);
  • the customer gets some option ready presentations and offers its correction (if they are);
  • the project is accepted by the customer in the final version, and sign the act of acceptance.

All the rights and guarantees protected by governed by the relevant regulatory- regulations. The rights to the finished product (presentation) after signing the act of acceptance of work go into full possession of the customer presentations.

Want to, that your presentation of the product was the best, but do not know, how to create? contact! Advertising agency "Insight" will help you create the perfect presentation, looking at which your customers will appreciate your company and its products are appreciated.