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10 examples of good brand book

Mutual understanding between the company-customer and the – advertising agency - pledge, created brand book will meet all the expectations vested in it.

What is a brand book?

Often among potential customers found erroneous understanding of the brand book, where it is a book with beautiful pictures: font samples, logos, and adapt it to various advertising media, trademark image, corporate identity, color palette used. In fact, This is not an exhaustive list of, what should be contained in brandbook.

Brand Guide - a key tool, intended for, to help companies build their own customer relationships, partners and advertisers. In other words, brand book - the core, which is based on the positioning of the company on the market. Only then, when the document is executed in full and according to the rules, it will provide an opportunity to optimize advertising and its costs, and will make the company and its products represents recognizable among potential buyers.

In this way, brandbook described in detail in the rules list, which should be guided by the trade mark, positioning itself in the market. AND, because the, the main marketing activities aimed, first of all, to attract new customers, it is precisely with the definition of the target audience and must begin the process of creating brand book.

elements brand book

Obligatory components act competently made brandbook:

Information on the situation on the market, target audience description;

value system description (concept) trademark;

visual image (form style) Company;

an elaborate system of brand promotion (a clear view of images and the advertising messages and video);

corporate style of the company, as well as communication within it.

It will not be an exaggeration to say, brand book that also acts and document, which declared the company's philosophy, and its mission. This tool does not replace the work of designers, brand managers, marketers, and any and all employees of the company.

Thanks to the brand book, greatly facilitated the development and production of all types of promotional materials, as well as new design layouts.

price: from 20 000p. time: from 4 day

Our other work: Logo and corporate identity | Polygraphy | Creative

Developing brand book

difficulties, arising from the lack of brand book

In that case, if there is no brand book in the company's arsenal, it inevitably faces a number of problems:

designers, developing promotional products (signboard, brochures, booklets, etc.) can create something, focused on a completely different target audience.

When placing a logo on a variety of advertising media, companies do not have a brand book, in which the dimensions clearly defined, faced with the, that logo transformed – becomes longer, narrow or in some other way, its proportionality will be violated.

it is essential to adhere to the chosen color palette up to the slightest nuance shade. When there is no brand book, often it happens, that in the process of developing an advertising campaign designers and other color shades were used, it will make your ads similar to competitors' advertising.

In view of the above effects, it becomes clear, that brand book - absolutely necessary.

the main thing, to the customer and the performer had a precise idea of, you need to get a result.

Developing brand book Developing brand book Developing brand book Developing brand book Developing brand book Developing brand book Developing brand book Developing brand book Developing brand book Developing brand book Developing brand book Developing brand book