The modern world of business dictates the most severe conditions. Therefore, the construction of digging to constantly "keep a finger on the pulse" and to change the policy in the field of sales, look for various ways to the customers. It is also important to observe the current trends in this area, assess the performance of its competitors. As in many other industries, construction companies competently put himself at the service of advertising and information tools, without which you can not find the interaction with the customer. Original, causing interest in the design of leaflets and brochures, lets say about the uniqueness of the services offered, shares or the introduction of new technologies.
Kinds advertising for construction companies
In today's world there is a certain range of advertising trends, which are designed to draw attention to a particular institution.
external advertisement
Careful design of the outdoor advertising strategy is:
- oformlenyefasadovzdanyy, kotoryebylisproektirovanystroitelnoykompanieylibovkotoromraspolagaetsyaeeofis;
- design, izgotovlenieirazmeschenievyveski;
- vyborinstrumentovnaruzhnoyreklamy (bigbordı, citylights, posters, dorozhnyhukazateli, reklamnyeboksyit.d.).
internal advertisement
The classification of this type of advertising:
- prodvizheniepripomoschipechatnyhizdany (booklets, small, reklamavzhurnalah, newspapers);
- websites;
- telefonnyyobzvonveroyatnyhklientov;
- provedenievsevozmozhnyhaktsy, predostavlenieskidokibonusov;
- audio- ivideoroliki (monitorytransportnyhsredstv, naradyo, TV).
Advertising construction companies allows you to find not only new customers, but also important to conclude partnerships, which will help to reach a new level of development. One such effective methods and, what is not less important, budget, are well-written and designed booklets.
They seamlessly combine multiple functions:
- educational;
- imidzheobrazuyuschuyu;
- vliyanienapotrebiteley (podtalkivayutlibomotiviruyutpribegnutpriobrestiopredelennyeuslugi).
price: 1000-2000p. for the page time: 0,5-1 day
Our other work: Logo and corporate identity | Polygraphy | Creative
evidence brochures for the construction industry
each company, engaged in the construction business, its credibility and reputation creates on certain basics:
- Relevance
- prestigiousness
- Goodness
- Reliability
- Benefit
It is like when you make a logical association booklets. It is especially important to inspire confidence in prospective customers. Brochures construction company - a trump card when communicating with the target audience.
to understand, a feeling about the company formed through the brochure, We describe the main criteria:
- Tselevayaauditoriyabroshyur
- Sostavsamoybroshyury
- design
- Podbormaterialovdlyapechati
Who is the target audience above brochures?
- Gosudarstvennyestrukturyiorganizatsii
- Rukovoditeleyvysshegourovnyaierarhiikrupnyhkommercheskihzastroyschikov
- Rukovodyaschiysostavpredpriyaty, zanimayuschihsyapredprinimatelskoydeyatelnostyuvsferenedvizhimosti
- Upravlyayuschiesrednegoimalogobiznesa.
Composition brochures
necessary Forums
- Lakonichnyesvedeniyaproistoriyureklamiruemoykompanii
- Spisokiszhatoeopisanieuslugkompanii
- of the license
- Perechenosuschestvlennyhproektov
- Contact details
secondary Forums:
- Obraschenierukovoditelya
- Strukturapredpryyatyya
- Nagraditelnyegramoty
- Mestorapolozhenie
- Otsenkizakazchikov
- Partnerskiekompanii
design brochures
The goal of designers to create the above - is becoming impressions of success and reliability of the readers of the advertised business. If the design should take into account a few things: readability, very high quality pictures, easy flow of numerical information. Never will the target audience get a grasp of small and unreadable text, but will appreciate the clarity, intelligibility and the quality factor.
print brochures
Choosing the material for his print advertising, It should focus on two main parameters: durability and quality. Under these conditions fit: cartridge paper, perhaps with the texture, as well as a great addition – lamination or lakirovanie. This presentable brochure will cause a feeling of trust in the advertised business and feeling of confidence.